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第一章 总 则

  第一条 为完善我市廉租住房制度,保障最低收入家庭的基本住房需求,实现应保尽保、全面覆盖的廉租住房保障目标,根据《廉租住房保障办法》(建设部令第162号)和《关于进一步促进我市住房保障工作的若干意见》(深府〔2007〕262号)及有关规定,结合我市实际,制定本办法。

  第二条 本办法适用于本市廉租住房保障及其监督管理工作。

  第三条 本市廉租住房保障方式以货币配租为主,实物配租为辅。



  第四条 市住房保障管理部门是我市廉租住房保障工作的主管部门。市、区住房保障管理部门会同同级民政、财政等相关部门负责本辖区内廉租住房保障管理的具体工作。

第二章 申请、审核与配租

  第五条 申请廉租住房保障的家庭,应当同时具备下列条件:





  第六条 随着住房保障水平的提高,对拥有住房但人均住房面积低于市政府规定的住房困难标准,并符合第五条第(一)、(三)、(四)项规定条件的家庭,市住房保障部门可视情况将其纳入廉租住房保障范围。


  第七条 具备廉租住房保障申请条件,且有下列条件之一的申请家庭,在进行实物配租时予以优先考虑:




  第八条 申请廉租住房以家庭为基本申请单位,每个申请家庭应确定一名具有完全民事行为能力的成员作为申请人,其他家庭成员作为共同申请人;家庭成员均无完全民事行为能力的,应以其监护人作为申请人。

  第九条 申请人于每年规定时间向户籍所在地的社区工作站提交以下申请材料:




  第十条 申请廉租住房保障,按照下列程序办理:









  第十一条 区住房保障管理部门应会同市房地产权属登记部门、区民政部门、街道办事处对申请家庭的户籍、人口、收入、住房和建房用地等状况进行调查审核。审核方式包括查档取证、入户调查、邻里访问以及信函索证等。申请人及有关单位和个人应当予以配合,如实提供有关情况。

  第十二条 区住房保障管理部门根据资金状况确定货币配租家庭的入围比例,对符合条件的申请家庭通过计分或摇号等方式排序,并根据计分或摇号结果向入选家庭发放通知书。


  第十三条 收到货币配租通知书的申请家庭,由其年满18周岁的家庭成员凭该通知书和个人身份证到户籍所在地的区住房保障管理部门签订货币配租协议,区住房保障管理部门按月将申请家庭的货币配租补贴存入申请人指定的银行账号。


  第十四条 市(区)住房保障管理部门在全部配租合同和协议签订后,编制汇总表报市住房保障管理部门备案,并将配租结果在一定范围内予以公布。

第三章 配租标准

  第十五条 申请廉租住房保障的家庭,人均配租面积标准为15平方米,每户配租面积标准为40平方米,原则上不超过45平方米。


  第十六条 廉租住房货币配租的租金补贴标准可以按照户籍所在辖区的市场指导租金标准确定。

  第十七条 廉租住房实物配租的租金标准由维修费和管理费构成,由市物价部门会同市住房保障管理部门、市财政部门制定,结合社会经济发展状况及城镇最低收入家庭经济承受能力的变化适时调整,并定期向社会公布。


第四章 资金与房源

  第十八条 市、区住房保障管理部门根据本年度廉租住房实施情况,分别编制下一年度《廉租住房计划资金安排申请表》报同级财政部门。

  第十九条 廉租住房租金收入应当按照市财政预算支出和财务制度的有关规定,实行收支两条线管理。


  第二十条 廉租住房资金的来源主要包括:






  第二十一条 实物配租的廉租住房来源包括:







第五章 档案管理

  第二十二条 市住房保障管理部门对全市的廉租住房档案管理工作进行指导、监督和检查。区住房保障管理部门负责本辖区廉租住房档案的收集、整理、归档、保管和利用。

  第二十三条 区住房保障管理部门根据需要指定廉租住房档案管理工作人员,其职责是:




  第二十四条 廉租住房审核档案应一户一档,主要包括下列材料。





  第二十五条 廉租住房管理档案包括申请家庭名单清册(台帐),租赁住房补贴资金发放名单清册(台帐),银行对账单,廉租住房保障家庭统计月(季)报表,实物配租家庭租金收缴情况及廉租住房管理工作文件、表、图、册等相关资料。廉租住房档案应纳入保障性住房的管理系统。

  第二十六条 市、区住房保障管理部门应运用计算机等现代化手段对廉租住房数据进行统计、分析,建立相应的电子档案,并及时更新廉租住房管理系统的有关数据,健全廉租住房档案检索体系,做好档案的录入、保管、利用、移出等情况的详细记录。


第六章 监督检查

  第二十七条 市(区)住房保障管理部门应当会同有关部门对市(区)廉租住房保障情况进行监督检查。

  第二十八条 享受廉租住房保障的家庭应当在每年规定的时间向所属街道办事处如实申报家庭的户籍、人口、收入、住房和建房用地变动情况。



  第二十九条 申请人在申请廉租住房保障过程中弄虚作假的,由市住房保障管理部门予以警告;对已经登记但尚未获得廉租住房保障的,取消其登记;对已经获得廉租住房保障的,责令其退还已领取的租赁住房补贴,或者退出实物配租的住房并按照市场指导租金补交房租。

  第三十条 享受廉租住房保障的家庭有下列情形之一的,由区住房保障管理部门做出取消廉租住房保障资格的决定,报市住房保障管理部门备案后执行:








  第三十一条 区住房保障管理部门在做出取消廉租住房保障资格的决定后,应当在5日内书面通知当事人并说明理由,并做如下处理:




  第三十二条 市(区)住房保障管理部门或其他有关部门的工作人员在廉租住房保障管理工作中,利用职务上的便利收受他人财物或者其他好处,或者不依法履行监督管理职责的,依法给予处分;涉嫌犯罪的,依法移送司法机关处理。

第七章 附 则

  第三十三条 各区住房保障管理部门可根据本办法制定实施细则。

  第三十四条 本办法由市住房保障管理部门负责解释。

  第三十五条 本办法自发布之日起实施,有效期5年。
















第一章 总 则
第一条 为了实施《中华人民共和国海关法》(以下简称《海关法》)关于法律责任的规定,根据《海关法》第六十条制定本实施细则。
第二条 不构成走私罪的走私行为,构成走私罪但依法免予起诉或者免除刑罚的行为,以及违反海关监管规定的行为的处理,适用本实施细则。

第二章 走私行为及处罚
第三条 有下列行为之一的,是走私行为:
第四条 有下列行为之一的,按走私行为论处:
第五条 有本实施细则第三条、第四条所列行为之一的,按照下列规定处罚:
第六条 对两人或者两人以上共同所为的走私行为,应当区别情节及责任,分别给予处罚。
第七条 为走私准备工具、制造条件的,比照本实施细则第五条的规定从轻处罚。
第八条 有下列情形之一的,可以从轻或者免予处罚:

第三章 违反海关监管规定的行为及处罚
第九条 违反海关法规但不构成走私行为的,是违反海关监管规定的行为。
第十条 违反国家进出口管理法规,没有领取许可证件擅自进出口货物的,没收货物或者责令退运;经发证机关核准补发许可证件的,处货物等值以下的罚款。
第十一条 有下列行为之一的,处货物、物品等值以下或者应缴税款两倍以下的罚款:
第十二条 有下列行为之一的,处人民币五万元以下的罚款:
第十三条 有下列行为之一的,处人民币三万元以下的罚款:
第十四条 有下列行为之一的,处人民币两万元以下的罚款:
第十五条 有下列行为之一的,责令补税或者将有关物品退运,可以并处物品等值以下的罚款:
第十六条 有下列行为之一的,处人民币一千元以下的罚款:
第十七条 携带、邮寄国家禁止进出境的物品进出境,在海关检查以前主动报明的,分别按规定予以没收或者责令退回,并可酌情处以罚款。
第十八条 违反海关监管规定情节轻微,或者当事人主动交待的,可以从轻或者免予处罚。

第四章 走私行为及违反海关监管规定行为的处理
第十九条 走私行为、违反海关监管规定行为的处理,由海关关长决定。
第二十条 海关扣留货物、物品或者运输工具,应当发给扣留凭单。
第二十一条 对于无法或者不便扣留的货物、物品或者运输工具,海关可以向当事人或者运输工具负责人收取等值的保证金或者抵押物。
第二十二条 依法扣留的货物、物品和运输工具,在人民法院判决或者海关处罚决定生效之前,不得处理。但是对于鲜活、易腐或者易失效的货物、物品,可以先行变卖,价款由海关保存,并通知其所有人。
第二十三条 经海关查明,确属来源于走私行为非法取得的存款、汇款,海关可以书面通知银行或者邮局暂停支付,同时通知存款人或者汇款人。暂停支付的期限不得超过三个月。海关作出的处罚决定生效后,有关款项由海关依照《海关法》和本实施细则的规定处理。
第二十四条 企业事业单位、国家机关、社会团体违反海关法规,除处罚该单位外,海关还可以对其主管人员和直接责任人员分别处以人民币一千元以下的罚款。
第二十五条 企业事业单位、国家机关、社会团体违反《海关法》,海关可以视情节暂时停止给予特定减免税优惠,暂时取消其报关资格,或者吊销有关当事人的报关员证书。
第二十六条 对于走私行为、违反海关监管规定行为的处罚,海关应当向当事人送达处罚通知书。
第二十七条 海关送达处罚通知书和复议决定书,可以直接送交当事人签收;也可以邮寄送达,以挂号回执上注明的收件日期为送达日期。无法送达的应当公告;公告即视为送达。
第二十八条 当事人在规定期限内未提出复议申请或者起诉的,处罚即为生效。
第二十九条 受海关处罚的当事人在境内没有永久住所的,应当在离境前缴清罚款、违法所得和依法追缴的货物、物品或者运输工具的等值价款。当事人对海关的处罚决定不服或者在离境前不能缴清上述款项的,应当交付相当于上述款项的保证金、抵押物,或者提供海关认可的其他保
第三十条 当事人逾期不履行海关的处罚决定又不申请复议或者起诉的,作出处罚决定的海关可以将其保证金没收,或者将其被扣留、抵押的货物、物品、运输工具变价抵缴,也可以申请人民法院强制执行。
第三十一条 依照本实施细则处以罚款但不没收进出境货物、物品、运输工具的,不免除当事人依法缴纳关税、办理有关海关手续的义务。

第五章 附 则
第三十二条 海关工作人员滥用职权、故意刁难、拖延监管、查验的,依照国务院关于国家机关工作人员奖惩规定给予行政处分;徇私舞弊、玩忽职守或者放纵走私的,根据情节轻重,依照国务院关于国家机关工作人员奖惩规定给予行政处分或者依照法律规定追究刑事责任。
第三十三条 本实施细则下列用语的含义是:

第三十四条 国家限制进出口货物的品名,由国务院主管部门公布。
第三十五条 本实施细则由海关总署负责解释。
第三十六条 本实施细则自1987年7月1日起施行。

  The Rules of Administrative Penalties for the Implementation ofthe Customs Law of the Peoples Republic of China(Promulgated by the Customs General Administration on July 1,1987)Whole Doc.

  Chapter I General Provisions

  Article 1

  Pursuant to Article 60 of the Customs Law the Rules are formulated with a view to implementing the provisions on legal liabilities of the Custom Law of the Peoples Republic of China(hereinafter referred to as the Customs Law).

  Article 2

  The Rules shall be applicable to the smuggling act which does not constitute smuggling crime, to the act of smuggling crime exempted from prosecution and criminal penalties and to handling of acts in violation of the Customs supervision and control.

  Chapter II Act of Smuggling and Punishment

  Article 3

  Any of the following acts constitutes an act of smuggling:

  (1) To transport, carry articles prohibited by the State into or out of the Chinese territory at places without Customs, goods and articles restricted by the State in import and export and goods and articles subject to the Customs duty in accordance with the law without the prior approval by the State Council or the Authority empowered by the State Council.

  (2) To transport, carry or mail at places with Customs imports and exports prohibited, imports and exports restricted and dutiable goods and articles specified by the State into and out of the territory for the purpose of escaping from the Customs supervision and control by means of concealing, falsifying, deceiving, forging or other means.

  (3) To sell bonded goods imported under special permission and other goods under the Customs supervision and control or foreign means of transport already within the territory without permission by the Customs and payment of the Customs duty.

  (4) To sell duty-reduced or duty-exempted goods imported under special permission for specific enterprise and specific use, or to transfer the duty-reduced or duty-exempted goods imported under special permission for a specific area to other areas within the territory without permission by the Customs and payment of the Custom duty.

  Article 4

  Any of the following acts shall be delt with as smuggling:

  (1) To illegally purchase the imported smuggled goods and articles directly from the smuggler.

  (2) To transport, purchase and sell articles prohibited by the State into or out of the territory, or transport, purchase or sell goods and articles restricted by the State in import and export without lawful certificates at Chinas inland territorial waters and territorial waters.

  Article 5

  Punishment shall be made in accordance with the following provisions in the case of any of the acts listed in Article 3 and Article 4 of the Rules:

  (1) Articles which are prohibited into and out of the territory by the State shall be confiscated as well as the illegal incomes and a penalty of less than RMB 50,000 may be imposed in addition in the case of smuggling of such articles.

  (2) The smuggled goods and articles restricted by the State in import and export or goods and articles subjected to the Customs duty under the law and illegal incomes shall be confiscated and a penalty of less than the value of the smuggled goods and articles or less than three times of the Customs duty payable may be in addition imposed.

  (3) Goods and articles used for the purpose to cover up smuggled goods and articles shall be confiscated, and specially designed instruments for concealing smuggled goods and articles shall be confiscated or dismantled by order.

  In case the smuggled goods and articles are beyond the possibility of confiscation, a sum of money equal to the value of smuggled goods and articles shall be collected.

  Article 6

  Smuggling acts committed jointly by two or more persons shall be subject to the approach that the two persons are punished separately according to the seriousness and responsibility of each case.

  Those who conceal what they know of the case and facilitate smugglers shall be punished by confiscating illegal incomes. In the absence of illegal incomes, a penalty of less than RMB 5,000 shall be imposed.

  Article 7

  Those preparing tools and creating conditions for smuggling shall be in lenient manner subject to punishment provided in Article 5 of the Rules.

  Article 8

  Any of the following acts shall be put to punishment in lenient manner or exemption from punishment:

  (1) Slight smuggling;

  (2) The party concerned has confessed its illegal act on his own initiative and informed against offenders and make contributions;

  (3) The smuggling act is discovered three years later;

  The duration provided in above(3) shall be calculated as from the day when the smuggling act is committed. In case the act is successive, the duration shall be calculated as from the day when the last smuggling act is committed.

  Chapter III Punishment and Acts in Violation of the Provisions Regarding the Customs Supervision and Control

  Article 9

  Acts in violation of the Customs law and regulations which do not constitute smuggling are acts in violation of the Provisions regarding the Customs supervision and control.

  Article 10

  Goods imported or exported without any licence and in violation of laws and regulations in relation to the import and export administration shall be confiscated or transported back by order. In the event that the license is issued afterwards which the examination by the license administration authorities, a penalty of less than the value of the goods shall be imposed.

  Article 11

  Any of the following acts shall be imposed a penalty of less than the value of the goods and articles or less than two times of the Customs duty payable:

  (1) To evade the Customs supervision and control and to transport, carry or mail into or out of the territory the goods and articles which do not belong to articles prohibited into or out of the territory or goods and articles restricted in import and export or those goods and articles subject to the Customs duty under the Customs Law.

  (2) To open, pick up, deliver, forward, replace, repackage, mortgage or transfer the goods under the Customs supervision and control or the articles which have not been released into and out of the territory by the Customs without the prior approval by the Customs.

  (3) In handling the transport, storage, processing, assembling and consigning of the bonded goods, failing to provide authentic records or appropriate reasons for the short in quantity.

  (4) To shift the specific imported goods with duty reduction or exemption for other uses without the prior approval by the Customs.

  (5) To intentionally misdeclare the goods when entering or leaving the territory.

  (6) To fail to re-import or re-export the goods which are temporarily exported or imported within the stipulated period of time and instead to acquire the goods inside or outside the territory without permission.

  (7) To fail to transport the transit goods, transshipment goods or through goods out of the territory within the stipulated period of time and instead to acquire the goods presumptuously inside the territory without permission.

  (8) To transfer presumptuously the self-use materials and articles for inward and outward means of transport without the prior approval by the Customs and payment of the Customs duty.

  Article 12

  Any of the following acts shall be imposed a penalty of less than RMB 50,000:

  (1) The means of transport fail to enter or leave the territory at places with the Customs and without the prior approval by the State Council or approval by the Authorities empowered by the State Council.

  (2) The inward and outward means of transport in the "Customs Surveillance Zone" leaves without the prior permission by the Customs.

  (3) The inward and outward means of transport which goes from one place with Customs to another place with Customs divert halfway to places inside or outside the territory without Customs before the completion of Customs procedures and without the prior approval by the Customs.

  Article 13

  Any of the following acts imposed a penalty of less than RMB 30,000:

  (1) Failure to provide the relevant documents to the Customs for examination in accordance with provisions or the documents provided for examination are not authentic when the inward and outward means of transport arrive at or leave the place with the Customs;

  (2) To refuse to accept the inspection and examination by the Customs in accordance with the provisions over the inward and outward means of transport and the goods and articles;

  (3) The inward and outward means of transport load or unload presumptuously the imported and exported goods and articles or passengers entering or leaving the territory without the prior permission by the Customs;

  (4) The inward and outward means of transport conduct presumptuously domestic goods or passenger transportation business or are used for the purpose other than the transportation entering or leaving the territory without the prior permission by the Customs;

  (5) The inward and outward means of transport divert to conduct presumptuously transportation business in the territory without going through Customs procedures in accordance with the provisions;

  (6) In handling the storage, assembling, processing, consigning of the bonded goods, failure to go through receiving, delivery, or canceling procedures in accordance with the provisions, or failure to go through Customs procedures in accordance with the provisions upon suspension, extension, and assignment of relevant contracts;

  (7) To deposit the goods subject to the Customs supervision and control outside the "Customs Surveillance Zone" without the prior permission by the Customs or reject the Customs supervision and control;

  (8) To open presumptuously or damage the Customs seals attached by the customs on the means of transport, warehouses and goods.

  Article 14

  Any of the following acts shall be imposed a penalty of less than RMB 20,000:

  (1) Failure to go along the route designated by the competent transportation administration authorities or the Customs during the time after the inward means of transport have entered the territory but before declaring to the Customs or during the time after the outward means of transport have completed Customs procedures but before leaving the territory.

  (2) The inward and outward vessels, vehicles carry the goods subject to the Customs supervision and control do not go along the route designated by the Customs.

  (3) Failure to report to the Customs without appropriated reasons when the inward and outward vessels and aircraft have to berth, land and throw or unload the goods and articles at the places without Customs due to force majeure.

  Article 15

  Any of the following acts shall be ordered to pay the Customs duty or re-transport the relevant articles and may be imposed in addition a penalty of less than the value of the articles:

  (1) Non-declaration of the self-use articles exceeding the limit stipulated by the Customs in small amount carried or posted personally into or out of the territory;

  (2) False declaration or rejection of the Customs examination over the articles personally carried or posted into or out of the territory.

  (3) Failure to re-carry the articles registered and admitted into or out of the territory by the Customs and temporarily exempted from the Customs duty out of or into the territory;

  (4) Maintaining inside the territory the articles carried into the territory by transit passengers without the prior approval by the Customs;

  Article 16

  Any of the following acts shall be imposed a penalty of less than RMB 1,000:

  (1) To fail to notify the Customs in advance of the time of arrival, the place to stop or the transit and the place thereof of the inward and outward vessels, trains and aircraft without special reasons;

  (2) To open or damage the Customs seals attached by the Customs on the articles without permission;

  (3) To violate the Customs laws and regulations which makes it impossible or suspended that the Customs supervise and control over the inward and outward means of transport, goods and articles.

  Article 17

  Personally carried or posted articles prohibited into or out of the territory by the State, but declared to the Customs before the Customs inspection shall be confiscated or delivered back by order in accordance with the provisions and a penalty may be imposed according to the seriousness of each case.

  Article 18

  Punishment in lenient manner or exemption from punishment shall be accorded in the case of slight violation of the provisions regarding the Customs supervision and control or of voluntary confession.

  Exemption from punishment shall be accorded when act in violation of the provisions regarding the Customs supervision and control is discovered three years later.

  Chapter IV Disposal of Smuggling Act and Act in Violation of the Provisions Regarding the Customs Supervision and Control

  Article 19

  The disposal of the smuggling act and act in violation of the provisions regarding the Customs supervision and control shall be decided by the director of the Customs House.

  Article 20

  Certificates of detainment shall be issued by the Customs for the detainment of goods and articles or means of transport.

  The standard form of the certificates of detainment shall be compiled by the Customs General Administration.

  Article 21

  Customs may collect bond or mortgage equal to the value of the goods and articles or means of transport which are impossible or inconvenient to be detained from the party or the person in charge of the means of transport.

  Article 22

  The goods and articles or means of transport under detainment in accordance with the provisions shall be disposed before the court award is made or the punishment decision by the Customs enters into force. But the goods and articles which are fresh, living, perishable or liable to loosing effect may be sold before the court award or the punishment decision is made. The proceeds shall be deposited in the Customs and the owner shall be notified.

  Article 23

  In the case of deposit or remittance illegally obtained from smuggling acts as confirmed by the Customs through investigation, the Customs may notify, in writings, the bank or the post office to suspend the payment and notify at the same time the depositor or the remitter. The period of such suspension of payment shall not exceed 3 months. After the penalty imposed by the Customs enters into force, the sum of money concerned shall be disposed by the Customs in accordance with the Customs Law and the Rules.

  Article 24

  In the case of violation of the Customs Law by enterprises, institutions, governmental departments or social organizations, Customs may impose a penalty of less than RMB 1,000 on the persons in charge or directly liable in addition to the punishment on the entities.

  Article 25

  In the case of violation of the Customs Law by enterprises, institutions governmental departments or social organizations, Customs may, in the light of the seriousness of the case, suspend the preferential treatments of tax reduction and exemption and nullify temporarily the capacity of declaration to the Customs or revoke the certificate of declaration held by the person concerned.

  Article 26

  Punishment notification shall be delivered to the party in respect of the punishment for violation of the provisions regarding the Customs supervision and control and for the act of smuggling.

  The party disobedient to the punishment decision made by the Customs may apply in writing for reconsideration to the Customs House which made the punishment decision or to the higher level of the Customs House within 30 days after the receipt of the punishment notification. The Customs House in charge shall make a reconsideration decision within 90 days after the receipt of application and make available the reconsideration decision to the party.

  The party disobedient to the reconsideration decision may sue to the court within 30 days after the receipt of letters of such decision.

  The party may also directly sue to the peoples court within 30 days after the receipt of the punishment notification. In the case of direct lawsuit to the peoples court, the party shall not apply to the Customs for the reconsideration.

  The standard form of punishment notification and the reconsideration decision letters shall be compiled by the Customs General Administration.

  Article 27

  The Customs may deliver the punishment notification or letters of the reconsideration decision directly to and for receipt signed by the party, or by mail with the date on the registered note of receipt as the date of service. Proclamation shall be made in the case of impossibility of delivery and shall be regarded as service.

  Article 28

  The punishment decision letter shall enter into force where the party has not applied for the reconsideration or sued to the court within the stipulated period of time.

  Penalties, illegal incomes and a sum of money equal to the value of the smuggled goods and articles of means of transport recovered in accordance with the law shall be paid within the period of time stipulated by the Customs punishment decision.

  Article 29

  In case that the party do not have permanent residence in the territory, payment shall be made in respect of the penalties, illegal incomes and the sum of money equal to the value of the smuggled goods and articles and means of transport recovered in accordance with the law before he leaves the territory In case that the party is disobedient to the punishment or can not pay the sum before he leaves the territory, a bond or mortgage equal in value to the above mentioned sum or other securities approved by the Customs shall be provided.

  In case the performance of the punishment decision made by the Customs within the period of time, the Customs shall immediately return the bonds, mortgages handed in to the party and other securities shall immediately terminate.

  Article 30

  In the case of non-performance of the Customs Punishment and in the absence of application for reconsideration or lawsuit by the party after the stipulated period of time, the Customs which made the punishment decision may confiscate the bonds or sell the goods and articles or means of transport under detainment or on mortgage as the punishment, and the Customs may also apply to the peoples court for enforcement.

  Article 31

  The party shall not be exempted from payment of the Customs duty and completion of the Customs procedures where penalty is imposed in accordance with the Rules but the goods and articles or means of transport are not confiscated.

  Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

  Article 32

  In the case of abuse of powers and intentional delay in the inspection or supervision or control, the Customs personnel shall be subject to administrative punishment in accordance with the provisions regarding the rewards and penalties to governmental personnel stipulated by the State Council. In the case of bribery or dereliction of duty or indulgence of smuggling, administrative punishment shall be imposed in accordance with the provisions regarding rewards and penalties to governmental personnel stipulated by the State Council or legal proceeding shall be persuade for criminal offence in accordance with the law and regulations.

  Article 33

  Terms used in the Rules are defined as follows:

  The term"articles" shall include currencies, gold and silver and securities.

  The term"equal in value" shall be determined according to current retail price in local state-owned market.

  In case the above price can not be determined, the Customs valuation shall be required.

  "include" and"less than" shall include the principal figure.

  Article 34

  The name-list of the goods restricted in import and export by the State shall be promulgated by the competent authorities in charge under the State Council.

  The name-list of the articles prohibited into or out of the territory by the State shall be determined by the Customs General Administration in accordance with the Customs Law and the relevant laws and regulations in association with the competent departments in charge under the State Council and promulgated by the Customs General Administration.

  The name-list of the articles restricted into and out of the territory by the State shall be promulgated by the Customs General Administration.

  Article 35

  The authority of interpretation of the Rules resides in the Customs General Administration of the PRC.

  Article 36

  The Rules shall enter into force on the date of July 1, 1987.